
October and Breast Cancer Awareness

As we turn the page to October and Breast Cancer Awareness, we wanted to share our story on why we partnered with the Ellie Fund this year to create a charity beer called "Ellie Ale"

Kim Cottingham, one of our owners, is a breast cancer survivor and benefitted from Ellie Fund services during her treatment. "The social worker at radiation oncology told me about the Ellie Fund when she signed me up. I had never heard of them but went to their website and was impressed by their background story and mission. When I finished treatment I signed up to be an Ellie Fund volunteer, it was an opportunity to pay it forward. Ellie Ale is a natural progression for me. Early detection and treatment are key to successful treatment. The Ellie Fund relies on donations. With a bright pink can of Ellie Ale, we are able to accomplish both." We connected with the folks at the Ellie Fund and expressed interest in working with them on a charity beer for their 25th Anniversary. After working out the details, we created the Ellie Ale and have enjoyed sharing it with the community.

All proceeds from the sale of this beer go directly to the Ellie Fund, which can be purchased online at Thank you for your continued support!